Art therapy is the perfect healing outlet for young kids

It goes far beyond painting and coloring too. Art therapy uses creative materials to help kids express their thoughts and feelings in a way they know how. It's an easier way for them to process their emotions.

These expressive art therapy activities can include drawing pictures, having a feelings journal, a positive affirmations bottle, grief expressions through play-doh, writing stories, gratitude stones, and so much more. These activities are endless and customizable based on your child and their exact needs.

Our child therapists LOVE spending time with kids and helping them to express their thoughts and emotions.

Art therapy is a great way to improve self-awareness, reduce feelings of anxiety/stress/depression, improve communication skills, boost self-esteem, etc.

We know that kids process challenges much different than adults, and we truly love helping your child feel heard.

Here are a few art therapy activities for your kids:

Tree of Strength Art Directive | Creativity in Therapy

Positive Affirmation Bottle | Art of Social Work

The Gratitude Game | Counselor Keri


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