Z.A.T. - Zoetic Actionable Therapy with 515 Fitness

Your Mind. Your Body. Work It All Out.

How It Works

  • Zoetic

    Focuses on the self-awareness of the individual. “The identity of the rider”

  • Actionable

    Focuses on building self-acceptance and confidence. “Reconnecting the rider to the horse”

  • Therapy

    Focuses on building a new, healthy community for the individual. “The horse and rider find a tribe to grow with”


Of or relating to life; living; vital.

We perform a complete Mental and Physical Health Assessment, measuring baselines, identifying devolpmental issues, and looking for recurring patterns.

It is important to become aware of your entire self, including the good, bad, and ugly.


Able to be done or acted on.

We utilize individual sessions based on identified, but ideally, self-identified goals.

By linking physical achievement to mental health changes one can build self-acceptance and confidence.

We help clients create new habits and fuel their bodies properly to help heal their minds.


The techniques or actions applied in a situation to provide a different outcome.

Therapy continues, but focus shifts to the client’s sense of self within a community setting.

This new community is a place to thrive, not just survive.

Fight the stigma. It’s OK to not be OK.